Astonishingly Giant Santa Decorations

This colossal Santa and his reindeer sleigh airblown inflatable yard decoration is an astonishing 16 feet long!

This airblown Santa decoration stands 7.5 feet tall, but most importantly, he’s a giant 130 inches wide!

Not tall enough for you? Here’s a 12 foot inflatable Santa to really call attention to your yard this holiday season!

At first I thought this giant Santa Bag was for autumn leaves. But that doesn’t make any sense – leaves should already have been all raked up and bagged by now in most areas. Aha, I looked more closely – it’s a bag for giant Christmas gifts! What might you put in this bag to disguise it until the big day? Let me know in the comments section below!

I must confess to having pulled a prank on my nephews in the past, giving them a giant Christmas stocking to get their hopes up about massive loot hauls, and then only putting tiny presents inside it!

Here’s another child-sized giant Christmas stocking for younger kids.

Would it be cool, or creepy, to have a ten meter inflatable Santa archway hanging over your garage doors this holiday season?

Design Toscano’s giant Santa statue is big enough for someone to sit on his outstretched hand.

And the winner is.. for the most giant Santa item I’ve seen yet.. This 26 foot airblown inflatable promotional Santa, likely intended for a business to use to attact customers to the store. It’s also available on Amazon.