Gorgeous and Whimsical Elf Christmas Stockings from Christine Grenier

If you’re looking for something a little different for Christmas decorations, this is the place to shop: Christine Grenier’s Elf Stockings shop.

One of the most important things to set up is your stockings. How is Santa going to drop off his presents without stockings? I am amazed by how stunning these Christmas elf stockings are. They’re useful and magical both!

I really think that this Artanis Elf stocking in gold and red is the perfect Christmas stocking. It looks like it came straight from Christmas Town! The gold fabric that is scalloped along the leg is pretty. Don’t you think it’s cute how the toe curls up and points upward?

All I can think is this Paladin elf stocking is meant for dad! It even reminds me of those black formal socks my grandfather used to wear when we would go out to fancy dinners. Probably my favorite feature of this stocking is the little bell on the end.

This Cadet elf stocking looks like something grandma would make, do you agree? To me, it looks a little like patchwork. I absolutely adore the gold and red plaid fabric that was used. The burgundy tassels hanging from the top are precious too!

If I could wear these Winter Morning elf stockings rather than hang them up I would. They look very comfortable! I am intrigued by the striped ivory satin edged fabric. It definitely reminds me of a snowy morning. All you want to do is slip into your pajamas and slippers with a cup of hot cocoa to watch the snow fall.

What you could do this year is have a very majestic Christmas! You could hang these Gold Pixie elf stockings above your fireplace and decorate your house in gold and ivory. If you have any princesses or queens in your family, they would adore having this as their personal stocking!

I bet one of your mischievous kids would love to have this Secret Sylph stocking hanging above the fireplace. If an elf ever wore these they would have to be super careful because of all the bells lined on the front. The black ribbon on the end wrapping around the silver embroidery is really pretty. If you look carefully you can see vine leaves on the burgundy damask fabric.

This exceptional Winter Garden elf stocking is so elegant! I can already imagine little elves in your garden wearing boots like these when snow covers the ground. It’s easier to camouflage and stay beautiful that way. These remind me of how my backyard looks when it is covered in snow. I think even Hans Christian Andersen’s Snow Queen would wear these if given the chance.

I can imagine just about anyone enjoying these Let it Snow elf stockings? Not only are they festive and merry, but very homey. The snowman fabric on the very top is very cute and reminds me of my grandmother. The patchwork isn’t as sophisticated as the one above, but I think I prefer it that way. Christmas doesn’t need to be dazzling, rather it should bring joy to us all!

These Christmas elf stockings by Christine Grenier on Etsy are wonderful. They are full of Christmas spirit, love, and joy. All have different elements of winter that we can all relate to. Plus there’s enough variety that everyone in the family can have their own unique stocking! Make sure to comment below and tell me which of these are your favorite.